Hello Friends! Welcome to this site! I am Devyani Kapoor, a student of Microbiology, and I am a huge fan of Ian Somerhalder (famous for his role of Boone on the hit TV series 'Lost', and is currently playing the role of Damon on The Vampire Diaries). His generosity and dedication to the cause of protecting our Environment inspired me to start this website. The aim of this site is to allow people to discuss pressing issues of present concern to our environment. I whole-heartedly support the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, a non-profit organization to help people take affirmative action for environmental protection, and it is slowly spreading it's wings to all parts of the world. The aim of this set-up is to allow like-minded people to come together, and make this world a better place, for us and for many generations to come. Therefore, if you have not already, I suggest that you join the ISF, and help spread word about it's activities, and if you have the means, donate a sum of money to the ISF and encourage your friends/family to do the same! Have a voice? Then why not make it count?
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